My name is Jenet Shoumaker Soto. I was part owner of a successful construction engineering firm for 18 years. I sold my business to further my education at the University of Arizona where I earned a Bachelor of Science in microbiology and a minor in chemistry in May 2011.
In November 2014 I began training to take over managing the Riehle Insectary. At the Riehle Insectary I control hygiene and operations. I now do bookkeeping for live organisms. My duties and responsibilities include rearing the mosquitoes.
My operating duties are not static, instead I evolve to tailor responsive procedures to the changing needs of developing new research. As I also mentor and teach mosquito rearing to undergraduates and graduate students. I think it is an essential part of science to show continuing support for each new project.
In November 2014 I began training to take over managing the Riehle Insectary. At the Riehle Insectary I control hygiene and operations. I now do bookkeeping for live organisms. My duties and responsibilities include rearing the mosquitoes.
My operating duties are not static, instead I evolve to tailor responsive procedures to the changing needs of developing new research. As I also mentor and teach mosquito rearing to undergraduates and graduate students. I think it is an essential part of science to show continuing support for each new project.